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Sanatorium is a community in Simpson County, MississippiU.S., northwest of Magee. The community was named for the Mississippi Tuberculosis Sanatorium, founded in 1916, which was a hospital for TB patients from 1918 to the 1950s.

In 1976, the old Sanatorium facilities were transferred to the Mississippi Department of Mental Health and renamed Boswell Regional Center, which is now an Intermediate Care Facility for Persons with Mental Retardation and other developmental disabilities (ICF-MR). Its central building, Dexter Hall, received a Heritage Award for Restoration in 2014.[citation needed]

Sanatorium lies between the current U. S. Highway 49 and Highway 149 (Old Highway 49), and was once home to the only drive-in movie theatre in the region. George Grubbs, a Simpson County judge, owned the Scaife (San) Hotel on Highway 149 which was converted into a halfway house in the 1990s. The hotel was destroyed by fire on May 18, 2020. ~ Wikipedia

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